Saturday, January 28, 2012

34 Weeks

Dear Mia,

We're at 34 weeks!  Yikes!  How are you doing in there?  My belly seems to grow and get more firm with each passing day.  I imagine you're starting to run out of room!  My little pregnancy alerts told me that you could weigh over 4 pounds and be over 17 inches long by now.  We'll get to see for sure at my next ultrasound!

Clothes:  My wardrobe is shrinking with each passing day.  I'm starting to rule things out based on the comfort factor now so my selection is dwindling.  If something is too constricting- even a nightshirt- I won't wear it.  I'm at the point where I feel like a stuffed sausage if clothes are too tight!  This goes for my winter coat, too so thankfully it's been unseasonably warm and I haven't missed it too much.

Sleep:  I'm sleeping like a rock.  Thank you for that!

Best moment this past week:  I've been preparing for maternity leave at work for a few weeks now.  I've met with my coworker who will be taking over my responsibilities, organized all of my files, and I've written a detailed "to-do" list of tasks that will need to be completed while I'm gone.  I've been feeling stressed about leaving work, especially since the exact timing of my departure is very up in the air.  You could really decide to come any time now!  So I think my best moment this week was winning my Employee of the Quarter award because it reminded me that I am a very good employee, and I'm doing the best I can to prepare for my absence.  It made me feel just a little bit better about being gone for so long.

Movement:  You're a mover and a shaker!  You kick and move around all day long.  On Monday in my staff meeting you were kicking me so fiercely I was sure someone was going to notice my belly was shaking!  I kept putting my hand on my belly and mentally reassuring you that yes, I would feed you as soon as I got out of the meeting.  Just calm down!

Food cravings:  Mint chocolate chip ice cream with dark chocolate sauce on top.  Yum!

Labor signs:  Still none!

Belly button in or out?  In and stretched to the max.

What I miss:  I get winded very easily now, I think because you're keeping my lungs from fully expanding (at least that's what the Doctor says).  Sometimes I just let myself take these big, obnoxious breaths and your Dad looks at me like I'm crazy.

What I am looking forward to:  I'm taking a little shopping day trip this weekend to purchase a few more nursery essentials like your crib mattress and changing pad.  Hopefully I'll be able to decide on the final placement of your dresser and get some art hung as well.

Doctor’s notes:  No new news, but I have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday.

Love you, baby girl!

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